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Showing posts from 2020

The Overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God

  When we love others we give, we don't give only materials things, but we give our time, our service, sometimes our vulnerability. I am yet to see anyone who truly loves and didn't give. We give because love gives, likewise when we fall in love with God we give up old habits that don’t please God, we give Him our lives and our hearts completely. God loves us, and with His love He gives everything, He is not cautious about His giving, He doesn’t think 'what if they never appreciate it,' 'what if they don’t realise how much I love them' what if they never give their lives to me' or 'what if they take me for granted' , yet He gives us His love so extravagantly , so overwhelmingly and so recklessly. God gave His only begotten son- God didn’t spare His only begotten son whom he loved so much. He sent him to die a gruesome death just because he loves us so much, and he wanted to redeem us back to himself. He gave us life: God gave man His breadth and ...

The God of the Hills and Valleys

  Whenever I travel by air, I love to sit by the window because I love looking at the view from the top. From that view I see huge mountains and valleys. A hill is a  landform  that extends above the surrounding terrain. A valley is a low area between  hills  or  mountains  typically with a river running through it . A plain is a flat, sweeping landmass that generally does not change much in  elevation (Wikipedia) . The view of the hills, valley and plain is what fascinates me, I’m sure it would be boring if it was just plains, or just hills or just valleys. God designed our lives the same way, God’s plan and purpose for our lives involves both hills and valleys, the promise land was also a land of hills and valleys (Deut 11:11). Hills can be used interchangeably as mountains in the bible. Mountains and hills are mentioned so many times in the bible because a lot of incredible things happen on the hills or mountain. For...


I will lift up my eyes to the hills- From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121: 1-2. Who are we looking up to? are we putting our trust in man, money, qualifications, or power? Everything else will fail but God is the One who never fails. So, don’t depend on man, the money in your bank account, your qualification, your connection, because they will all fail you. Don’t put your trust in mortals like your spouse, your mum, your dad, your brothers, your sisters, your friends, your pastors, yes they may love you and want only the best for you but they are only mortals, they are not God so they will fail you. God is the only One who cannot fail and will never fail, He is the One who can help you when no one can, He is the One that shuts a door and no one else can open, and opens a door that no one else can shut. He is the Way Maker, the One who makes a way where there is no way, The Promise Keeper, The Miracle Worker. He is the Almighty, ...


  In times of uncertainty, especially in these times when the world seems so bleak, and everything seems hopeless. It is refreshing to know that God is with us. It is also a time when some have questioned “Is God really with me?” “Why am I going through all that I am going through?” The answer is YES, God is with us. Because we are going through a difficult time, does not mean that God is not with us, and even if we have no problems and life is all rosy now it does not mean God is not with us. God created us to dwell inside of us, so God wants to be with us. Matthew 1; 23 Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel which is translated God with us. God is surely with us, but what do we do with His presence in our lives? I remember when I was about 6 years old my dad bought me a hand sewing machine, I am not sure why he bought it for me at that time but I was excited about it, I loved it, but guess what, I never used it. It was too ...

The Master Craftsman!

Have you ever thought why is my nose so big? or why are my fingers too small? or why is my head shaped like this? Have you complained so much about your body forgetting that you were fashioned and created by the master craftsman? God loves to create, and one of God’s masterpiece in creation is you and I. God made us and said Wow! This is good. He made us wonderfully and fearfully paying very close attention to detail, for example when he was forming you, because he knew you are going to be a medical doctor with a certain kind of personality and interest your fingers should a bit longer than usual, to allow you handle things others will not be able handle , or another example he gave you a bigger head and a bigger brain so that you can store more information in your head than others can. So that big head or ‘funny’ shaped nose is not a mistake it is part of God’s master plan, you are God’s masterpiece. Just like my Father who created me, I also love making things, so what if I m...

God's Love is without Measure

Romans 8: 31-39 So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The one who died for us- who was raised to life for us!- is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:  They kill us in cold blood because they hate you. We're sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one. None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that ...

The Wisdom Of Ants

When I was younger, I remember observing and being fascinated by tiny ants. I will see them carrying mighty crumbs of bread much bigger than their size in a single file, sometimes from one location to the other. I would sometimes disrupt their path just being curious to know what they will do, but they will quickly form another path, sometimes I would see one with a much bigger head which I used to think was the king or queen. The smaller ants were very protective of this king or queen, ‘these tiny ants!’ I used to wonder ‘they must be in their own world’. At that young age that was all I could make of the ants. As I grew older and wiser and began to study the word of God, I have come across the ants again this time around God is telling me to observe the ants, the way they behave. Proverbs 6: 6-8 (MSG) You lazy fool, look at an ant. Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two. Nobody has to tell it what to do.   All summer it stores up food; at harvest it stockpiles ...

God's Heart Test

A test is described in the oxford dictionary as an examination of someone's knowledge or ability, consisting of questions for them to answer or activities for them to perform. For those who studied medicine, they sit for a medical school test.  It is difficult to find carpenters, plumbers, architects or fashion designers sitting for the medical school test. If they attempt to sit for it, they will fail woefully, so the medical test is mainly for those who studied health and medicine and not for everyone, and this is in preparation to either become doctors, nurses or a practitioner in the medical field. This is similar to God’s heart test, not everyone on earth goes through God’s heart test, if we don’t know God and don’t have a relationship with him we will typically fail his heart test, so if perhaps you are going through God’s heart test count yourself blessed because God has a plan for you. God is really interested in taking you to a higher level than you have ever imagined...

What are we seeking?

These past few weeks, we have all been forced to stay indoors because of the COVID 19 pandemic. The lock down in some countries and the slow down of the global economy has taken its toll on various sectors like the petroleum sector, tourism and hospitality sector, the health sector, etc and these are economic impacts that produce a recession. Almost everything has either been postponed or cancelled, flights, tournaments, weddings, funerals, everything.  It only tells me one thing ‘ many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that will prevail’ Pro. 19:21. Since it is God’s purpose that will prevail is it not wise to seek the God whose purpose will always prevail before we make plans?, or if we make plans shouldn’t we ask the God whose purpose always prevails if the plan is okay with him? What are we seeking first in our lives? What do we do first thing when we wake up in the morning? Do we seek social media first? Do we seek our children first? Do...


Yet for a little while you made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour . Heb 2:7 NLT. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” Interlude Psalm 39:5NLT. O LORD, what are human beings that you should notice them, mere mortals that you should think about them? For they are like a breath of air; their days are like a passing shadow . Psalm 144:3-4 NLT Man is nothing but a breath. A breath sometimes takes less than a second, but a hundred years to God is only a little while compared to eternity. Our entire lifetime is just a little while to God. Because Jesus Christ died on the cross, because he overcame death and sin we now have authority over all things, and when it says all things it means there is nothing left out. The Glory we see here on earth for a little while is nothing compared to the Glory and honor waiting for us in eternity. We hav...

What kind of Boss are you?

Psalm 123 ‘ Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens. 2  Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the  Lord  our God, until that he have mercy upon us. If our eyes wait upon the Lord our God then we are settled because he dwells on high, in the heavens, far above all principalities and powers. God knows everything that is going on because everything is beneath him so don’t worry about anything God is in absolute control. As I thought about this verse of scripture ‘Just as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden looks unto the hand of her mistress so our eyes wait on the Lord’, I could only Imagine if God was like us ‘THE BOSS’.   I began to ask myself questions like what annoys me most about my domestic staff at home and what do I like about them just to have an idea of how God fee...