When we love others we give, we don't give only materials things, but we give our time, our service, sometimes our vulnerability. I am yet to see anyone who truly loves and didn't give. We give because love gives, likewise when we fall in love with God we give up old habits that don’t please God, we give Him our lives and our hearts completely. God loves us, and with His love He gives everything, He is not cautious about His giving, He doesn’t think 'what if they never appreciate it,' 'what if they don’t realise how much I love them' what if they never give their lives to me' or 'what if they take me for granted' , yet He gives us His love so extravagantly , so overwhelmingly and so recklessly. God gave His only begotten son- God didn’t spare His only begotten son whom he loved so much. He sent him to die a gruesome death just because he loves us so much, and he wanted to redeem us back to himself. He gave us life: God gave man His breadth and ...