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The Master Craftsman!

Have you ever thought why is my nose so big? or why are my fingers too small? or why is my head shaped like this? Have you complained so much about your body forgetting that you were fashioned and created by the master craftsman?
God loves to create, and one of God’s masterpiece in creation is you and I. God made us and said Wow! This is good. He made us wonderfully and fearfully paying very close attention to detail, for example when he was forming you, because he knew you are going to be a medical doctor with a certain kind of personality and interest your fingers should a bit longer than usual, to allow you handle things others will not be able handle , or another example he gave you a bigger head and a bigger brain so that you can store more information in your head than others can. So that big head or ‘funny’ shaped nose is not a mistake it is part of God’s master plan, you are God’s masterpiece.
Just like my Father who created me, I also love making things, so what if I made a handbag with huge pockets in front of it. I made that bag different because my target market for that kind of design are customers who like to put a lot of things in the pockets of their handbag, this design will serve those customers better. It is still a handbag, but it is designed differently because it would be boring if I made all bags alike.
The world has sold us a big lie telling us we have to look, talk, or dress a certain way before we are considered beautiful. How can an awesome God make a mistake with his creation? It is impossible. Imagine you buy your daughter a very expensive dress and you told the dressmaker who made it to put some extra detail on the dress maybe expensive crystals, stones , and pearls these were beaded into the dress and this took a lot of time, energy and resources. When it was finally completed it was so beautiful you could not wait to give it to your daughter “she would absolutely love it!” you thought. When you finally gave her the dress she looked very sad and says “I don’t like the dress! it’s not what I expected , it’s ugly, it’s boring I prefer the dresses I see in the magazines they look more beautiful”, how would you feel? Well that is how God feels when we complain about our bodily features and compare ourselves with others, saying to ourselves we are not beautiful because the world has sold us a fake image of what beauty really is.
Ephesians 2: 10‘We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfil the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed one. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfil it!’. Are you joined to Jesus? If Yes, then you are a MASTERPIECE.
The oxford dictionary describes a masterpiece as a work of art such as a painting, movie, book, etc that is an excellent, or the best example of the artist’s work. You are an excellent work of art made by the master craftsman himself and He has a special plan for you and I that is why He made us all differently to do the specific work he has planned for us.


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