The Oxford dictionary describes a building as a
structure with a roof and walls, such as a house or factory and a temple as a
building devoted to the worship of a god or gods. When Solomon built the temple
of God, to show reverence to God the building was built in silence, the stones
were very costly, carefully hewed and cut to dimension and made ready at the
quarry before being transported to the temple site where they would fit
perfectly together(1 Kings 5: 16-17; 6:7). The temple that Solomon built no
longer exists, it was destroyed by the Babylonians because the children of Israel
became rebellious to God and the presence of God no longer dwelt there.
God is building a new temple, we are this new temple
of God. The temple of God is a living house composed of living stones its
building has an architect and that architect is God Ephesians 2: 20-2220 having
been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself
being the chief cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted
together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling
place of God in the Spirit. .1 Corinthians 3: 11; 3: 16 ‘Do you not know that you are the temple of
God and that the Spirit of God
dwells in you? ‘.God is building
a house with Jesus Christ as the foundation and the chief cornerstone and we as
the living stones being fitted together like that of the old temple but this
time this new temple far outshines the old temple, it’s worth much more than
the old one, it is the real temple and this temple will never be destroyed. God
is building this temple in order to dwell in it.
To become living stones that can fit into this
temple that God is building we need to be truly alive in Christ 1 Corinthians
15: 22 by growing spiritually and in faith in Christ Jesus. We are either
building our lives for God to dwell in which leads to life or building it for the
devil to dwell in which leads to death, but we are building our lives daily. To be
living stones we have to build our spiritual lives so that God may dwell in it.
We build our spiritual lives by praying in the Holy Ghost and with our
understanding, studying the bible and meditating on it, fellowshipping with the
brethren, sharing the gospel, helping the needy and advancing God’s kingdom
here on earth. Jude 1:20 But
you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the
Holy Spirit. When we build
our Spirit man then the flesh becomes weak but whenever we don’t build our
Spirit man the flesh is strong. When we
are rebellious to the will of God we cannot build our lives for God because our
lives are not fit for God to dwell in hence we cannot be living stones and
cannot be used by God.
1 Corinthians 3; 6-8 ‘I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the
increase. 7 So then neither he
who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and
each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.’ When we share the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are
building for God even if it is just a tract that we hand out to people, or our
lives minister to them we are either planting a seed in them or watering that
seed but growth is occurring in the life of the individual until the person
becomes fully grown and mature not needing milk anymore but meat. When we are
advancing God’s kingdom and involved in building God’s business which is to win
souls then we are building for God.
Everyone involved in building for God shall obtain a
reward. We have to be skilful builders careful how we build and even careful
how we build upon the building whose foundation has already been laid. We would
either build upon it with gold, silver, precious stone, wood, hay or straw. One
day the fire of God will expose the worth and character of that which we are
building, the things we did for God, and the motive behind them. 1 Corinthians
3; 10-15. Did we do them because we genuinely love God or we are seeking for
attention, every wrong motive will be exposed on that day so it is wise to
frequently examine the quality of what we are building before that day so that
we can make the necessary adjustments. If whatever we are building burns during
the fire test we will lose our reward but if it doesn’t burn we will receive our
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