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What would you do if you spent a lot of time, money and dedication in building a magnificent edifice, a place you call your home then you hire someone to construct a special area in a section of the house but he uses fake or substandard products maybe an anti mould chemical around that section he is building and all over the house, but because it was fake it destroyed all the walls and instead of preventing moulds it attracted mould everywhere, how would you feel? 1 Corinthians 3:17 states that if anyone does hurt to Gods temple by corrupting it with wrong doctrines or destroys it, God will hurt him too. It is extremely dangerous to be a false prophet, the bible says that God will bring hurt to him to the corruption of death and destroy him for God’s temple we the church collectively and individually are sacred to him.

 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.26 “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: 27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.” “; Matthew 7; 24-29, Luke 6: 46-49        

Are we like the foolish man who built his house on sand? Hearing the word of God but not obeying them because of the cares of this world, or the wise man who built his life on the solid rock which represents a life founded on a proper relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have not accepted Jesus into your life you are like the foolish man that builds his life on sand, any life built daily without complete surrender to God is built on sand, anyone who makes decisions without first consulting God, does whatever he pleases and just generally lives without regard to God is building his or her life on sinking sand and when the storms come there will be a great fall for that house. The difference between the two houses was not the outward appearance the house built on sand might have even looked nicer than the one built on the rock. People may have preferred to visit the one built with sand because the exterior and interior may have been outstanding compared to the other one built on the rock.

Some unwise builders do great and mighty works, they prophesy in God’s name, drive out demons and do many mighty miracles in Jesus name but God will say to them publicly on the last day ‘I never knew you depart from me you wicked servants’ Matt 7; 22-23. The gifts of God are without repentance Romans 11:29 so the foundation may have started out on a solid rock but along the way the rock can turn to sand due to physical and chemical weathering from the wind, rain, sun, weed, chemicals such as acid, and river these represent things that frustrate and wear out our walk with God. However, when a building structure is not properly built it becomes a potential hazard to both the inhabitants of that building and the surrounding neighbours, but the sad thing is that the defects will not be visible for everyone to see until calamity falls. One thing however is very key which is the foundation, for if the foundation is faulty what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3 If for example a business was started with stolen funds then the foundation of that business is already faulty even if it grows to become a huge empire, when it is eventually tried by the fire of God it will fail the test. Until that foundation is repaired it is doomed for a great fall, the foundation can be repaired by confessing the sin, genuine repentance and complete surrender to the will of God and in some cases making restitution.

‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone’. Matthew 21:42, Acts 4:11, Psalm 118:22. In ancient buildings the cornerstone was the first stone to be placed in a foundation so that all other stones were aligned to it, the cornerstone bore the weight of the entire building it had to be able to withstand the sun , frost, tempest and extreme temperatures, the cornerstone is so crucial that if removed, the entire structure would collapse. So as part of the house of God we need to keep our focus on the chief cornerstone, Jesus without him no life can truly stand.

It is clear to see and to note the Bible's indication that Jesus functions as the foundation of the Church as well as for each Christian's individual life. May we be wise builders having our lives built on the only solid rock Jesus Christ.


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