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gods on earth....

In certain religions gods are referred to as superhuman beings or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes, a supreme or celestial being. Psalm 82: 6 I say, ‘You are gods; you are all children of the Most High. What does Jesus mean by you are gods? Does he mean we are gods here on earth, supernatural beings, having power and authority over the earth? I believe so. Man was made in the image of God and so God put man on the earth to rule as gods on the earth, Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” Gen 1:28. Man enjoyed close communion with God, they will take walks together in the cool of the garden and talk to each other, they enjoyed each other’s company because God loved them dearly and they returned that love by obeying God, their loving Father who had told them not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and so as long as they obeyed their Father they enjoyed his awesome presence and company.

Sadly, Adam and Eve lost this incredible honor and privilege due to disobedience, the devil deceived them by telling Eve that God was lying to them, that they will not die and that God didn’t want their eyes to be opened so they don’t become like God knowing good and evil, so Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and gave it to her husband to eat too and suddenly their eyes were opened they suddenly knew they had rebelled against God and they also realised for the first time that they were naked so they hid from God the one whom they once shared close fellowship with, they died immediately but they didn’t die physically, they died spiritually, and the close communion they had with God was lost.

Fast forward to when Jesus Christ came and died on the cross of Calvary for our sins, man was reconciled back to God and anyone who accepts Jesus as Lord and saviour will automatically operate in the original state Adam operated before he ate the forbidden fruit, when we receive Jesus as Lord of our lives, we receive the power to operate as gods here on earth. Jesus Christ gave the authority that was stolen by the devil back to man but this authority can only be exercised on the condition that man is completely submitted to God, John 5:19 So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does. Jesus was completely submitted to his Father and that was the source of his powerful ministry. Likewise man cannot operate as gods here on earth until they are completely surrendered to God. Exodus 7:1 And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet(KJV) Exodus 4:16Moreover, he shall speak for you to the people; he will act as a mouthpiece for you, and you will be as God to him [telling him what I say to you]. (AMP)  God said to Moses you shall be as god to Aaron and to Pharaoh because he was speaking the word of God to them. Being as gods means to have power and authority given to us by God to declare his word. If  we speak the words that God asks us to speak we become as a gods here on earth, demonic forces are unable to tell the difference between our own voice and Gods voice when we are speaking Gods word they must obey, but only a submitted vessel can operate as god on earth, to operate as gods on earth it means when we decree a thing it will be established because of the power that we possess. This power can only be derived from a completely yielded life through, holiness, godliness and being set apart by God for his purpose here on earth.

We are supposed to live and rule as gods on this earth but many people reject the rulership of God like Adam and Eve did and end up dying as mere mortals Psalm 82:7  But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. God made man in his own image but when we reject his Lordship in our lives we reject his image, we reject the power he has made available to us, and then we live as men, and die as mere mortals, what a tragedy! This will not be our portion in Jesus name. Amen. No matter how much power, authority, money, respect etc. we possess here on earth if we reject Jesus as Lord of our lives we are just men who are spiritual dead, we may have physical power, respect, authority on earth but we lack the real deal which is spiritual authority and power because the spiritual realm is more real than the physical realm and the spiritual realm reigns over the physical realm, so how can you survive here on earth as a man with only physical power? When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit they were ashamed and naked and so they hid from the presence of God, but Jesus shed his blood to reconcile us back to God which means that even if you have been spiritually dead before, today you can be reconciled to God, you don’t have to hide from church, or avoid saying your prayers or generally hide from Gods presence because he desperately wants forgive you only if you would accept him back into your life. If our earthly fathers can forgive us for the evil that we do how much more will our Father in heaven who loves us even much more forgive us if we genuinely repent. God is always moved by a heart that is genuinely repentant. It is never too late to make Jesus Lord of your life it’s time to take our rightful place as gods here on earth.


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