Christians are expected to be good Soldiers, stand in battle
formation, keep rank and march on to victory, but a Christian will not be able
to stand if he cannot keep rank. Keeping rank in the army does not come naturally,
a lot of hard work and discipline is required to mold a Soldier that would be
able to keep rank in battle. For Christians to keep rank we must not be fainthearted
or be of double heart (1 Chronicles 12:33), because it is the Lord who fights
our battles and wins the war, but when we fail to keep rank we give the enemy a
foothold in our lives. As a church we also give the enemy a foothold because
just one man breaking rank and deserting his duty post can be disastrous to the
whole operation.
When our lives are out of order we break rank and give the
enemy a foothold in our lives. These are some ways we can break rank when we
are not walking orderly.
2 Thessalonians 3:
11-13 states that we should withdraw from anyone who doesn’t walk orderly, an
idle and jobless person is termed disorderly, because God didn’t make us to be
idle people, we are to be busy with the work of our hands. Anytime we move or have
shifted from Gods initial plan and purpose for our lives then we are walking disorderly,
remember demons are angels that are out of order.
Ephesians 4;29 In our speech we are to be orderly we should
not let corrupt words come out of our mouth but that which is good for
necessary edification that it may impart grace to the hearers. Sometimes we joke
about sacred things that we shouldn’t be joking about and even if we are not the
ones saying the joke we laugh at these jokes.
Ephesians 4;1-3 We must be determined to place others above
ourselves, our mindset should be in this order. We are to walk worthy of the
calling which we were called with all lowliness and gentleness with
longsuffering. When we are proud and not walking in humility we are out of
order because our Father is humble.
God has given each one of us gifts, how have we been
faithful with the gifts he has given to us?
are we using those gifts for our own selfish gains or are we using it to
enrich lives? when we do not use our gifts for the purpose for which God gave
us or not even using them at all we are out of order.
Prov 6;17 We are to speak the truth in love, do we tell each
other the truth no matter how hurtful it is? if we speak the truth in love it will
be bearable, but nowadays no one speaks the truth whether it is in love or not.
And when there is no truth there is strife, confusion and disorderliness. When
we pass compliments that we know is false we are also in this category. For example,
saying to your friend “wow you look gorgeous!” but you know she looks like she
didn’t even look at the mirror before leaving her house”
Mark 11:25 Do we fail to forgive one another? if we do not
forgive others, God will also not forgive us our sins. And if God doesn’t
forgive us our sins that will be a major problem because we need him to forgive
us daily.
Ephesians 4:28 instead of always taking from people we are
to work hard so that we can share with others. Our God is not a God who takes
all the time, he is a generous God he is always giving if we are not like our
Father in heaven who is always giving we are out of order.
Wives are to show respect and reverence to their husbands
and the husband are to love their wives and give them honour so that their prayers
will not be hindered. When husbands don’t love their wives they are walking
disorderly and if wives don’t reverence their husbands they are also walking
We must also put our homes in order, if our children are
obedient to their parents they will live long. (Ephesians 6:2) It is important
to teach our children to fear God, when our children have a vibrant
relationship with God it sets their life in order for life. If they can be obedient to their parents they
will be obedient to God
2 Samuel 6; 1-23. When Uzzah touched the ark of God because he was trying to steady it he died instantly. They had gotten too familiar with the ark that they forgot instructions that God had given regarding carrying the ark and the appointed duties for handling the holy things. In the house of God it is important to stay at our duty post doing what God has assigned us to do and not what God has assigned someone else to do, if we are not doing what God has assigned us to do by disobeying leadership we are out of order, and we are just like a Solder who is breaking rank.
2 Samuel 6; 1-23. When Uzzah touched the ark of God because he was trying to steady it he died instantly. They had gotten too familiar with the ark that they forgot instructions that God had given regarding carrying the ark and the appointed duties for handling the holy things. In the house of God it is important to stay at our duty post doing what God has assigned us to do and not what God has assigned someone else to do, if we are not doing what God has assigned us to do by disobeying leadership we are out of order, and we are just like a Solder who is breaking rank.
Many soldiers of Jesus Christ are breaking rank, they are sitting
on the side-line when they should be waging war, some of them are wounded in
battle some have been hit by friendly fire because they are out of formation.
We the church must be faithful in our assigned roles, not of a double heart so
that we can be unified and have total victory.
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