Yesterday I asked my children in Sunday school if any of
them had treasures and I got a lot of interesting answers such as “my earrings
are my treasure”, “my Adidas shoes are my treasure”, “my X box and Nintendo
games are my treasure”, “my IPad” etc it was interesting to know that the
children considered these items to be their treasures because they placed a very
high value on them, and I thought to myself aren’t we just like them as adults
we also have many treasures here on earth that we really value so much such as
our designer bags and shoes, our exotic cars, our expensive wristwatches, our
mansions etc. but I often wonder, why
are we more interested in laying up treasures here on earth than laying up
treasures in heaven? Matthew 6:19 “Do not
lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and where
thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where
neither moth nor rust destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal”.
I remember once a friend of mine told me a story about how she traveled out of
the country for a while and came back home only to discover that all her designer
bags had grown mold on them.
If Jesus is telling us not to lay up treasures here on earth but in heaven then I believe we need to take this statement really seriously and start prioritizing our lives to make sure we are living a life that is rich towards God. Every treasure we have here on earth is only temporary, it can never last for eternity, it therefore has no eternal value, like our bags, shoes, houses, clothes etc Luke 12: 17 -21 “And he thought within himself saying what shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops? So he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater and there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years: take your ease: eat, drink, and be merry” ‘But God said to him ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you: then whose will those things be which you have provided?’ so is he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich towards God.” The rich fool thought he could store up all his wealth forever, but he didn’t realize that it was God’s decision to keep him dead or alive. Mark 8:36 ‘what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?’
It is wisdom to begin to think about treasures that are of eternal value and start making every effort to build our heavenly treasures more than the earthy ones because it is when we truly begin to build our heavenly treasure that we will find our true purpose in life and as we concentrate on the being rich towards God, God will in turn take care of all our earthly needs.
How do we build up treasures of eternal value?
SEEKING GOD FIRST; Matthew 6: 31; when we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness we build treasures in heaven, but the beautiful thing about the good God we serve is that when we begin to seek him first and put him first in all we do he takes care of all our needs, all the treasures that we truly desire here on earth, the fine clothes, shoes, houses, etc he will give them to us, we will not have to struggle much to get them.
GIVING TO THE POOR AND NEEDY: 1 Timothy 6;17-19, Proverbs 19:17, when we give to the poor from our heart and not so that men can see us and praise us we are actually lending to God, and when we lend to God we are building our heavenly account and God will make sure we make it to heaven.
INVESTING IN GOD’S KINGDOM WORK: Matt 25:14-22 By serving others, investing your time and resources in the work of God. Every time invested in kingdom work, money donated, service granted, will never go unnoticed by God.
LIVING A PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE; Matt 25; 14-22 we were all created to fulfil a specific purpose here on earth and God has given us the talents, skill, and grace to fulfil our God ordained purpose in life, fulfilling our lives assignment is of great eternal value. But the question I often hear is how do I know my specific purpose and assignment in life? By consistently asking God about it and by doing number 4 that is getting involved and investing in Kingdom work.
WINNING SOULS; the most valuable object in heaven is a soul, so he that winneth souls is wise. By using your money, time and resources to share the gospel and bringing people to Jesus you are laying up heavenly treasures.
NOT BEING TOO ATTACHED TO OUR MONEY AND WEALTH: Matt 19: 16-22 don’t be too attached to your money and wealth, if you have the mind-set that God owns your money and that he can request for it at any time you will not attach too much importance to it. The rich young ruler wanted to follow Jesus but he was too attached to the great amount of wealth he had that when Jesus gave him the condition for following him which was to sell all his riches and give to the poor he went away very sorrowful. He didn’t layup treasures in heaven but was more attached to the treasures he had laid up here on earth.
1 Timothy 6; 7 we brought nothing into this world, it is certain we are not taking anything out with us. So why all the struggle to have and acquire things that we cannot enjoy forever, when we can focus on laying up treasures that we will enjoy forever. And this is not to say that we should not work hard, be rich, or aspire to be rich but that we should have the right perspective to life and know what truly matters.
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