What does it take to win a race? First of all you have to
have the right gear and very comfortable running shoes, make sure they are as
light as possible, adequate training and consistency is crucial, you cannot eat
anything and everything you want but have to have a strict diet (lean meat,
fruit and vegetables), sufficient rest is also obligatory for anyone who wants to win a race. "A true athlete will be
disciplined in every respect, practicing constant self-control in order to win
a laurel wreath that quickly withers. But we run our race to win a victor’s
crown that will last forever. For
that reason, I don’t run just for exercise or box like one throwing aimless
punches, 27 but I train like a
champion athlete. I subdue my body and get it under my control, so that after
preaching the good news to others I myself won’t be disqualified." (1
Corinthians 9: 25-27 TPT).
Paul had a clearly defined goal and did not run as those who
beat the air while fighting 9; 26. He had to discipline his body, he had to force
himself to maintain the strenuous consistent practice needed for success
because he was aiming for a prize, an incorruptible one, one not made with
human hands. If we are faithful to the calling of God on our lives we will surely
receive a reward from the Lord in heaven and even here on earth.
2 Timothy 4:7 Paul accomplished his divine goal here on
earth, just like Paul, we need to keep the faith and fight the good fight. We must
not run in vain but have clearly defined goals just like Paul did, goals which
God himself has set out for us, that is doing that which God has called us to
do. Heb 12:1 We are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, these are people
in heaven who are cheering us on, those who have gone ahead of us letting us
know we can do it and that we must not give up. Let us lay down every weight
and sin that so ensnares us because we cannot run a race successfully when we
are carrying weight, we must keep our eyes focused on Jesus as we run this all
important race and we must ensure that we are not distracted so that we can
attain that for which we were created.
1 Corinthians 9; 24-26, to obtain an incorruptible
crown we must have self-control, and we must abide within the directives of biblical
faith and doctrine and not operate like the world, else we will lose our
RIGHTEOUSNESS: 2Tim 4; 8 we will obtain a crown of righteousness which the
Lord the righteous judge will give to all who have loved his appearing. Those
who loved his appearing are those who have done exactly what the master told
them to do and have finished the race successfully for they will not be ashamed
when the Lord their master appears.
1:12, Rev 2: 10 we must endure temptation to receive a crown of life which the
Lord promised to those who love him. Trials, temptations and persecution will
come but we must keep our eyes focused on God which is possible only by the
grace of God. Those like our dear Leah who bravely confront persecution for
Jesus even to the point of death will receive this crown.
CROWN OF GLORY: 1 Peter 5: 2-4 Pastors, Ministers,
Apostles, Evangelists, Teachers, and everyone who have been called to oversee the
souls of men and to shepherd the flock of God must do it without compulsion but
eagerly and lovingly for they will obtain a crown of Glory.
1 Thess 2: 19 this is the crown for everyone who is saved, it is the crown that
every true believer in Jesus Christ will receive in heaven, where God will wipe
away every tear from their eyes, where there will be no more death , no more sorrow,
no more crying and no more pain Rev 21:4.
No matter what you are going through, keep on the faith so
that you may obtain a crown. 2Tim 2:5 if anyone competes in athletics, he is not
crowned unless he competes according to the rules. In our journey with God the
rule is that we cannot race successfully in the flesh but in the Spirit, so we
must mortify the deeds of the flesh and walk in the Spirit, else just like athletes
get disqualified when they do not adhere to the rules of the race we will get
disqualified. This will not be our portion in Jesus mighty name. AMEN
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