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Love Conquers ALL!


I remember being very young and full of so much love to give, it is safe to say, I was a bundle of love itself. I remember going to school very excited to share my lunch with others, there were some particular children who constantly begged for it and I never hesitated to share with them, I didn’t really like it and hardly ever ate it but I was happy because they liked it and I was content with that. I would sit with the beggars that used to be outside my school and share my food with them I was just about 5 or 6 years old then, I was so happy doing it, it brought me great joy, but as I grew up those feelings began to wane until I grew up shielding myself and totally avoiding being vulnerable to anyone through love, maybe because as I grew I had genuinely tried to love, but faced a lot of rejection and sometimes embarrassments but all I wanted to do was genuinely share with others the river of love that filled my heart.

As I came to know the Lord Jesus, slowly he began taking me back on the journey of discovering who I really am, who he has called me to be and accepting who I am in Christ Jesus, I am still on that journey. I believe many people are like me, rewind to when you were a little child you had no care in the world but just exhibited the character that God genuinely gave you, but overtime with interactions with the world those qualities slowly began to ebb. Love is a topic that I genuinely love because God made us to Love and to be loved by him.

There is no greater Love than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends John 15:13. The love that God has for his children is so deep, it is so true, so real, so liquid, and so tangible, why would anyone want to live life without really experiencing this kind of love that no man can give? God is love and true, genuine love only comes from God. So what is true love?

There are 4 types of love                                                                                                                        

Eros; means romantic love, this is the type of love that exists between two opposite sex, like married couples.

Philia: is the love you have for friends, acquaintances, or the people you choose to love, more like brotherly affection.

Storge: almost like philia, it is the type of love that parents have for their children, brothers and sisters have for each other, it is love for family members generally.

Agape: this is the only type of love that is not a feeling like the rest, but an action. Agape love is selfless love, it gives of itself and does not expect anything in return. The agape love is unconditional and so it does not matter if the love is reciprocated. Agape love is what is expected amongst Christians. Agape love is what made Jesus leave his heavenly throne in heaven to be born in a manger to be later crucified on the cross just to reconcile us to himself. Agape Love can only be borne by the Holy Spirit. Satan and his cohorts do not have the capacity to have agape love Col3: 19 men are called to show agape love to their wives.

Love conquers Fear: There is no fear in love. Fear has two opposites faith and love, faith only works through love Gal 5:6. Fear keeps us from loving as we should and the way God would like us to, I was afraid to love people the way I had when I was a little girl because it meant being very vulnerable and I didn’t want to be so I was protecting myself from getting hurt, I haven’t completely overcome this but God is certainly helping me. A lot of us are just like that, the fear of rejection keeps us from for example calling that friend or individual but love will call anyway even if we know we may be rejected.

Love conquers self: Love sees others as better than ourselves and love is not proud. A reasonable love of self is God ordained you cannot really love someone else if you hate yourself, after all God says we should love our neighbours as ourselves Mark 12; 31. Love does not love so that it can be loved back.  1 John 4: 8 whoever does not love does not know God. We show God love when we lay down our lives for him and offer it as a living sacrifice, by walking with him and  obeying his every commandment.1 John 2:5, if we truly love God we will automatically love our brethren it is impossible to love God and hate the brethren John 13:34

1 Corinthians 12: 27-30 teaches about the body of Christ and the various gifts available in the church I am particularly drawn to verse 31 where it states that earnestly desire the best gifts and went further to state in my own words but you know what? let me show you a more excellent way, this way is more excellent than all these gifts joined together, in fact if you have all these gifts and you don’t have this excellent one I am going to show you, you are just wasting your time.

He went further to state that even if I speak with tongues of men and of angels without love I am nothing but a noisy gong, if you have ever heard a clanging cymbal or a resounding gong you will understand the kind of horrible noise it produces, even if our faith can move mountains the faith is of no use, if we donate our entire life savings and even burn ourselves alive without love we are only suffering in vain. The next chapter 1Corinthians 13; 1-13 Paul began to explain what real love is

Love suffers long: to suffer long is to be patient, how patient are we with others, with people who maybe don’t act like us or are not quite like us? Are we quick to judge them? Or are we quick to give up on them? love is patient with people recognising that no one is perfect.

Love is Kind; in a world that is saturated with so much harshness, we have to be kind to one another, friendly, full of compassion, willing to help always, tender towards one another, considerate, gentle and warmly affectionate. I believe the world will be a much better place if we had more kindness around.

Love does not envy: love is not jealous of others, instead it genuinely rejoices in the success of others. Love thinks of others more highly and better than itself and this makes it difficult to be envious.

Love does not parade itself; love does not always want to be seen doing a good deed so that everyone can know, love does a lot of great things in secret.

Love is not puffed up: love is not proud, it does not look down on others or think that it is better than others, love acknowledges its weaknesses and is not confident in his own strength but that of God.

Love does not behave rudely: Love is polite, and courteous it does not undermine anyone because of age or status but treats everyone with honor and respect.

Love does not seek its own: Love is not selfish, it is selfless if gives of itself without expecting anything in return, it does not love so that it can be loved back, it is agape so it loves regardless of how the other person feels, says or does.

Love is not provoked: love is slow to anger and not easily provoked, love does not let its emotions control it, love is not moody or touchy, it doesn’t get irritated easily, there is righteous anger which is when we are angry about the things that God gets angry about, this does not give us access to be angry always but to recognise that we can get angry for the right reasons and not sin and not let our anger last till the next day Eph 4:26

Love thinks no evil: Love does not think evil, that is why satan and demons do not have the capacity to love because they are always thinking evil, love thinks no evil, even if an evil thought comes it doesn’t perch there, it is shrugged off immediately.

Love does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth: It doesn’t not rejoice when people do bad things, it doesn’t like injustice, it doesn’t like it when the poor are oppressed and marginalised, it does not praise wrongdoing and does not associate with it, it has a high level of integrity, it does not cheat people or tell lies.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things: love protects and shields, it does not broadcast the weaknesses and sins of others and is not quick to share other peoples offenses with everyone, 1 Peter 4: 8 love covers a multitude of sin, love endures being maltreated, does not retaliate or is vengeful but it endures all, loves believes the best in people and hopes for the best for all mankind. Love really does conquer ALL…..



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