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Very recently, I remember God speaking to me about focus. I heard him say ‘Just focus on Jesus, don’t be distracted’. Then the story of Peter came to mind when Peter was walking on water while his eyes were focused on Jesus but the moment the storm started he took his eyes off Jesus and got distracted. The oxford English dictionary defines focus as the ‘centre of interest or activity’. If our eyes are single and focused on Jesus alone there is no limit to the things we will achieve and accomplish in life and for the kingdom of God. What a revelation that was for me. It meant that if I’m focused on Jesus it doesn’t matter what men say or think about me, it doesn’t matter what the economic situation is, it doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing, all that matters is how I can please God and do his will, my life will be driven by a totally different mindset, because my eyes are focused on Jesus.

When our eyes are focused on Jesus it means I am watching carefully and listening to what he says always, my ears are attentive to hear when he speaks and quick to obey him, my ear is deaf to any other voice but the voice of Jesus, because I am focused. Focus is key in our walk with God, distractions have led many who started so well to hell. They started well and got distracted along the way and didn’t retrace their steps back to God. If we ever get distracted we must make critical efforts to retrace our steps and get back to focusing on Jesus, we must never lose focus on Jesus it is the key to a victorious Christian life.

Focus is essential even in our own day to day activities, If a student doesn’t listen attentively in class but gets easily distracted by gisting here and there, and doesn’t even study because of the same problem that student is sure to fail, if a cameraman doesn’t focus on the particular object that he wants to snap, the picture will not be very clear but blurry,  if a driver leaves at 12pm travelling on a journey to Ibadan from Lagos State with the goal of getting there at 1pm for an important interview but follows the wrong road signs, maybe one that leads to enjoyment and pleasure, then he also sees an attractive billboard advertising an amala joint a few kilometres away which is off his way and he begins to ponder if he should just go and have a quick sumptuous meal, it is clear that the driver is beginning to lose focus, because that wasn’t his original goal when he set out from Lagos on the journey to Ibadan at 12pm. Many of us are like this, when we started our walk with God we were very passionate, we loved God and served him passionately we were driven by eternity and spending it with our saviour, but along the way the world began to throw various suggestions at us, we didn’t really mean to get distracted but it looked so attractive we couldn’t help it.  We need to be careful about the things we see, we read, and be wise about what we let enter our minds, and the thoughts we allow stay in our minds, if the thought comes we need to kill it immediately and bring our mind under the obedience of Jesus Christ. 

James 4:4 ‘Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God’. When we are focused on Jesus we cannot have friendship with the world.  When we are focused on Jesus we receive all that Jesus has in store for us and walk in his divine will and purpose for our lives. Ladies it is time to focus on Jesus, today whatever it takes to focus on God completely please do, this is not the day to be unnecessarily distracted, you didn’t come all this way to go back the same way. I pray that as you focus on Jesus this morning that he will meet you at your point of need and enable you to continually make him the centre and focus of your life.


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