In my walk as a Christian God has taught me a lot and is still teaching me so much. I remember back in the days when I walked in the flesh and liked to get things done my way, it was a dreadful thought for me not to have control of myself, what I did, said or how I acted, I thought if I gave God full control of my life he could tell me to do something I didn't want to do, so the thought of losing control of my will was a dreadful one, but the devil had sold me a lie. Over the years I slowly begun to let go and started to understand more clearly the Scripture Matthew 11:29-30 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentlne and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." indeed Gods burden is light, I have realised that Gods ways are far better than what I can ever come up with in my flesh.
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To let go and let God it means you are no longer in control of your life, the decisions you make, the way you spend your money, the words that come out of your mouth, the way you dress, to let go and let God means living a stress free life because all your burden is carried by the burden bearer himself Jesus. To let go and let God means we constantly tell God to let his will be done in our lives, this total submission will lead to peace and joy no matter what the storm you are going through. Life is too short to keep insisting on doing things our way when we do this we are actually wasting time, wasting our lives and our future because we get stressed, tensed and even fall sick sometimes but this is not the plan of God for our lives.
The moment you begin to let go and let God you will have a more effective prayer life, your eyes of understanding will be enlightened, you will find that the love of God takes care of what you cannot accomplish on your own, Gods infinite wisdom will be available to you, this does not mean that you are not involved in the process but that you have a partner who is in charge because Gods presence and power is within you to direct and lead the way. As a child of God you should be confident that whichever way he leads is always the best route no matter how it may seem at the time. Matthew 6: 31-33, "Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
"Job 11:13 "if you would direct your heart right And spread out your hand to Him. To let go and Let God requires us to direct our hearts right, release control of our lives, seek God first at all times and let God lead the way, it is a total surrender that requires us to live our lives without the cares of this world. Many of us care too much about the world for all our emotional needs, material needs etc why should we gain the whole world and lose our souls. Matthew 16:25 "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. It states that we must lose ourselves for us to gain life which means dieing completely to the flesh, and our worldly desires, it is the only way we can truly live, totally dedicating our lives to the will of God, this way we gain not only eternally but here in this temporay home of ours.When we let go and let God we must be open to new ways of doing things because God is constantly doing something new we have to move forward and forget the past.
Let Jesus be Lord over every area of your life if there are areas that you are still holding back from God ask the Lord to come and be Lord in those areas and see God transform things in ways you never imagined possible. Today what is that thing that is keeping you from yielding completely to the will of God? Letting go and letting God is a choice that everyone has to make, Jesus is gentle and will not force his way into anyone's life. But if we really yearn to see changes in our lives then we have to do things differently, an old professor once said doing the same thing over and over the same way and expecting a different result is a mark of insanity. If Jesus did not let go and let God salvation would have not come to me and you. God's love for us is insatiable and his thoughts for us are thoughts of peace to lead us to an expected end, to accomplish this we need to be fully transformed and this only happens when we yield to God by spending time in his word, praying and in fellowship with other brethren. When we let go of our plans, purposes and agenda and let God, God begins to make his own plans,purposes and agenda come alive in our lives. Don't hold back just let go and Let God.
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