A few days ago, as I was watching TBN and the preacher was talking about failure and how we as Christians constantly fail and get back up again. He also quoted that ‘Christians will continue to fail until we become just like Christ’. And I thought to myself ‘fail always?’ ‘Ah no oh, I can’t fail because God didn’t promise me that, ‘I will not fail’, ‘I am not going to fail’. I was already beginning to feel very uncomfortable with the sermon, so I didn’t watch it to the end. As I went about my day that same day I heard God say to me have you forgotten how you fail almost every second of the day? yes you fail in your thoughts and in the meditations of your heart and they are loud before me. It was not the outward failure that the preacher was referring to, it was failure in our hearts, because God does not judge us outwardly but inwardly. I realised suddenly that oh yes! I do fail every day, and if God judges us inwardly and not outwardly like man does Ah! I probably fail e...