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Showing posts from 2017


KINGDOM GOALS To be effective in our business or career we are often bombarded with the word GOALS and the goals you need to set each year to make sure that you’re the most effective you can be.   This requires continually assessing your role and productivity, planning what to do, implementing your plans, measuring your progress and then planning again - throughout your career or business. SMART goals which are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timebound is usually encouraged if we must be effective goal setters. A goal according to the oxford dictionary is described as an aim or desired result, the object of a person’s ambition or effort.   We set financial goals, family goals, health and diet goals, religious goals, but do we set spiritual goals or kingdom goals? What are Kingdom goals? my own definition of kingdom goals are goals that we set for the benefit of the kingdom of God just like we set goals at work and in our businesses, kingdom goals are ...


FOCUS ON JESUS Very recently, I remember God speaking to me about focus. I heard him say ‘Just focus on Jesus, don’t be distracted’. Then the story of Peter came to mind when Peter was walking on water while his eyes were focused on Jesus but the moment the storm started he took his eyes off Jesus and got distracted. The oxford English dictionary defines focus as the ‘centre of interest or activity’. If our eyes are single and focused on Jesus alone there is no limit to the things we will achieve and accomplish in life and for the kingdom of God. What a revelation that was for me. It meant that if I’m focused on Jesus it doesn’t matter what men say or think about me, it doesn’t matter what the economic situation is, it doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing, all that matters is how I can please God and do his will, my life will be driven by a totally different mindset, because my eyes are focused on Jesus. When our eyes are focused on Jesus it means I am watching careful...