In the book of Jeremiah, the thirteenth chapter God sent prophet Jeremiah to perform a parable. Jeremiah got a linen sash like belt and wore it without putting it in water, then God told him to hide it under a rock in the Euphrates river. After a few days God told Jeremiah to go back and get the sash, but it was totally ruined and profitable for nothing. This is what happens to us when we bury our gifts and talents in the ground. We become just like that linen sash, profitable for nothing. This story also reminds me of the parable of talents Matthew 25:14-30, a master who was travelling far away gave one of his servant 5 talents, another 2 talents and another 1 talent. The one with 5 talents multiplied his by 2 and got 10 talents, the one with 2 talents multiplied his by 2 also and got 4 talents while the one with 1 talent hid his and buried it in the ground. This third servant was profitable for nothing. God has given each and everyone of us gifts to use for His Glory, but w...