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Showing posts from September, 2020


  In times of uncertainty, especially in these times when the world seems so bleak, and everything seems hopeless. It is refreshing to know that God is with us. It is also a time when some have questioned “Is God really with me?” “Why am I going through all that I am going through?” The answer is YES, God is with us. Because we are going through a difficult time, does not mean that God is not with us, and even if we have no problems and life is all rosy now it does not mean God is not with us. God created us to dwell inside of us, so God wants to be with us. Matthew 1; 23 Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel which is translated God with us. God is surely with us, but what do we do with His presence in our lives? I remember when I was about 6 years old my dad bought me a hand sewing machine, I am not sure why he bought it for me at that time but I was excited about it, I loved it, but guess what, I never used it. It was too tech